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What makes a great game designer?

How are successful games designed?

What kind of games designers play themselves?

Finland is recognized internationally as a power nation among game developers - punching well

above its weight, when it comes to gaming successes. Learn the lessons these game designers have learned while creating an amazing array of world class gaming success stories ranging from Angry Birds to Clash of Clans and Clash Royale to Max Payne.


These award-winning, fearless designers talk about the best ways of engaging players and how they

avoid the common pitfalls of game design in this relatively young industry, which in the recent years

has grown bigger than music or movie industries – combined!



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Konsta has sailed the stormy seas of entertainment and culture for over twenty years as a journalist, music export producer, marketing and music rights manager for a major games company and the founder of Action Squad Studios. He's currently a freelance writer, a film buff and a part-time ice-cream connoisseur.

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Harro has 15+ years of experience in working within the games industry.  He started in print media before the turn of the millennium and founded Finland's longest running game magazine. Then worked as a designer and a games producer. Harro likes pen-and-paper RPGs, board games, and bicycles. Still plays video games as well, but not on mobile.

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